8-Bit Gambit
We all know chess. Truly a world class strategy game, but it's just so....BORING! So we added EXPLOSIONS! 8-Bit Gambit is a 1-button game where you play chess, but with explosions, against a CPU. The objective is to use your pieces and their attack patterns to destroy all opponent pieces before the CPU destroys all of your pieces.
This game was made for the 2023 1-Button Game Jam. It was created using Unity 2021.3.24f1.
All you need to play this game is the spacebar. In the menus, tap spacebar to toggle between button options, and hold spacebar for two seconds to select the highlighted option. The gameplay is turn-based and follows the following procedure:
- The player selects an attacker piece by tapping spacebar. The player can see the piece's health and attack pattern in the details panel to the right of the board.
- Once the player has decided which piece they want to attack with, they hold spacebar for two seconds to confirm the selected piece.
- The player then selects a target piece to launch the attack on by tapping spacebar. The player can see the piece's health in the details panel to the right of the board.
- Once the player has decided which piece they want to attack, they hold spacebar for two seconds to confirm the selected piece, and the attack will launch.
- The CPU will then take its turn similarly, and the game will continue until either:
- The player has destroyed all CPU pieces (player wins),
- The CPU has destroyed all player pieces (player loses), or
- Both the player and CPU have no pieces left (draw).
We used the following assets:
- Pixel Explosions
- Nicer Nightie Font
- Humble Fonts
- Airhorn Sound
- Pixel RPG Music
- Chippy's Chiptune Music Pack
Note that all other assets were created by @mercedes-sandu (for sprites) and @teph (for sound).
View the source code here.
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Great job! An original idea, well executed. Aaaaand even the menu can be used with one button :D :D Congratulations!
Some pieces look very much alike, and the bishop for example would maybe need an adjustment, but I guess you know it =) The game is great as it is, but you plan to update it?